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Emotional Athletics for Performers       


"An actor is an athlete of emotions." -- Antonin Artaud, Theatre and its Double


Get out of your head and into your body. Pattie will lead you through LABAN, GROWTOWSKI, and RASABOXES movement

techniques for performers and healing arts practitioners.


RASABOXES IS a suite of exercises devised by Richard Schechner. Based on a combination of performance theories, practices and contemporary emotion science, RASABOXES trains emotional awareness and expressivity through the use of breath, body, voice, and sensation. 

LABAN is s a method and language for describing, visualizing, interpreting and documenting all varieties of human movement.

GROWTOWSKI physical exercises are used to open a pathway to the actor's inner creativity


Pattie was trained in RASABOXES by one of its original creators, Paula Murray Cole and has been teaching this technique since 2008.


Recommended reading before the workshop: "An Acrobat of the Heart" by Stephen Wangh










NEXT DATE IS TBA. All levels of experience are welcome. Ages 16 and up. Location in Chimacum/Port Townsend is TBA and dependent on enrollment numbers. Go to the MORE link below and click BOOK HERE  to reserve your spot.


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