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Directing Actors: Simplicity, Variety, and Clarity

I have never met anyone who wasn’t a professional dancer who has Pattie’s kinesthetic awareness and sensitivity for understanding rhythmic language and how forms communicate non-verbal messages through spatial relationships. Pattie is brilliant at recognizing patterns. She knows what ideas; both verbal and non-verbal are being communicated to the audience. -- Camille, professional dancer


What do you do as a director?

What are your tools?

How do you communicate your abstract ideas to actors?

How do you help make actor's performances compelling?

What is needed to make a dynamic theatrical event?

How does the actor's process work?


By focusing on some basic tools of directing (theme, story, character, activity, space), this workshop will set you on the path to developing, planning, and delivering your own unique directing style.


Recommended reading before class: NOTES ON DIRECTING by Frank Hauser and Russell Reich


NEXT DATE TBA. All levels of experience are welcome. Ages 16 and up. Location in Chimacum/Port Townsend is TBA and dependent on enrollment numbers. Go to the MORE link below and click BOOK HERE  to reserve your spot.




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